This plugin fits on every server. At certain intervals or at certain events, the player inventory stores in the database, so you can see what the player had and possibly return some items to him. You can also search in player online/offline inventories for some items.

The plugin was designed to store lots of data. Because lots of data mean big database and processor time-consuming tasks, plugin running complete asynchronous. This means, your server will run perfectly without lags from this plugin!

Browse and edit player offline inventories or enderchest from the bukkit/spigot file system. You can browse player inventory/enderchest and edit them even when the player is not online on your server!

Is the player online? Open and edit player inventory or only watch, what players with their inventory do. The player is not online? It does not matter, open player offline inventory. Support for enderchests too!

Do you need to get back some items from players, but you don't know what players have your needed item? This feature is for you! You can search for general materials or custom items online and now connected players or offline players, also support enderchests.

Do you want to restore some from the player inventory in the past? It's easy! Open player history of inventories and enderchests, that saved automatic, on world switch, on login, on logout or on player death, and get inventory in past whenever you want!

Do you want to edit some texts, text colors, or add whole new items? You can configure every menu! Custom items, lore, name, item, etc.!

Doesn't like a style of default messages or command help? Edit it!

The plugin knows what permissions you have and displays personal command help based on permissions. Players don't need to show admin commands, right?

Do you want to delete old inventories after some time? With this plugin, you can automatically delete old saved inventories. Configure it in the config file with several options!

The plugin logs additional information about a player and saved inventory/enderchest, such as position in the world, health, food, gamemode, death reason and so on.


/invsave - Display help for commands.
/invsave history [enderchest] - Display player saved inventories/enderchest inventories in menu.
/invsave save [enderchest] - Manual save player inventory/enderchest.
/invsave view [enderchest] - Open player offline inventory/enderchest.
/invsee edit [enderchest] - Open and edit player online inventory/enderchest. Real-time inventory/enderchest. /invsave load [enderchest] - Load inventory to player.
/invsave delete [enderchest] - Delete inventory or enderchest by id.
/invsave search <offline/online> <item/material> [material] [enderchest] - Search selected item in player inventories or enderchests.
/invsave reload - Reload plugin configurations.
/invsave tasks - Managing plugin tasks.
/invsave tasks stop - Stop all plugin async tasks.
/invsave tasks list - Display all plugin pending, proccessing and active async tasks.
/invsave sync - Manage inventory sync option.
/invsave sync import - Import all player data from server to this plugin to enable sync function.

- Required parameter.
[optional] - Optional parameter.


invsave.* - Gives access to all InventorySaver commands and events.
invsave.commands.* - Gives access to all commands.* - Gives access to all events/menu interactions.
invsave.command.invsave - Permission to use /invsee command. - Permission to display /invsee help.
invsave.command.invsave.history - Permission to use /invsave history command.
invsave.command.invsave.history.enderchest - Permission to use /invsave history enderchest command.
invsave.command.invsave.view - Permission to use /invsave view command.
invsave.command.invsave.view.enderchest - Permission to use /invsave view enderchest command.
invsave.command.invsave.edit - Permission to use /invsave edit command.
invsave.command.invsave.edit.enderchest - Permission to use /invsave edit enderchest command. - Permission to use /invsave save command. - Permission to use /invsave save enderchest command.
invsave.command.invsave.load - Permission to use /invsave load command.
invsave.command.invsave.load.enderchest - Permission to use /invsave load command with enderchest parameter.
invsave.command.invsave.delete - Permission to use /invsave delete command.
invsave.command.invsave.delete.enderchest - Permission to use /invsave delete command with enderchest parameter. - Permission to use /invsave search command.
invsave.command.invsave.reload - Permission to use /invsave reload command.
invsave.command.invsave.tasks - Permission to use /invsave tasks command. - Permission to display /invsave tasks command help.
invsave.command.invsave.tasks.stop - Permission to use /invsave tasks stop command.
invsave.command.invsave.tasks.list - Permission to use /invsave tasks list command.
invsave.command.invsave.sync - Permission to use /invsave sync command. - Permission to display /invsave sync command help.
invsave.command.invsave.sync.import - Permission to use /invsave sync import command.
invsave.inventory.admin.load-inventory-to-admin - Ability to load inventory from history detail to you.
invsave.inventory.admin.load-inventory-to-player - Ability to load inventory from history detail to player.
invsave.inventory.admin.set-up-xp-to-player - Ability to load XP level and XP points from history detail to player.
invsave.inventory.enderchest.admin.load-inventory-to-admin - Ability to load enderchest from history detail to you.
invsave.inventory.enderchest.admin.load-inventory-to-player - Ability to load enderchest from history detail to player.
invsave.inventory.offline.edit - Ability to edit player offline inventory (/invsave view command)
invsave.enderchest.offline.edit - Ability to edit player offline inventory (/invsave view enderchest command)
invsave.inventory.history.edit - Ability to edit player history inventory (/invsave history command)
nvsave.enderchest.history.edit - Ability to edit player history inventory (/invsave history enderchest command)
invsave.inventory.actual.edit - Ability to edit player online inventory (/invsave edit command)
invsave.enderchest.actual.edit - Ability to edit player online inventory (/invsave edit enderchest command)

Recent updates

Version Name Detail
3.0.0-VERSION-1.17-BETA-15 Fixed syncing player health when used custom max health Detail
3.0.0-VERSION-1.17-BETA-14 Improved sync function, complete async no data loss/duplicate Detail
3.0.0-VERSION-1.17-BETA-13 Improved /invsave sync import command Detail
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